Today was my last day at Impero

Jacopo Daeli
2 min readSep 30, 2016

Today was my last day at Impero. After 33 amazing months, I decided to leave and join Pikichat, a French company which operates Tribe in Paris and San Francisco through the US subsidiary. I’m very pleased to help Cyril Paglino and his team to scale their application to million of users.

End of an era as new one starts now.

What I learned at Impero?

I’ve definitely leaned much more than I’ve expected. Because I have no idea where to start, I’ll do few examples.

Managing and deploying Docker containers on AWS with Deis

Early this year I moved all Impero’s projects into Deis with Docker. Deis is an open source PaaS (Platform as a Service) that makes it easy for teams to create and manage applications on Kubernetes (previously on fleet).
The main challenges doing this were:
- containerize all the projects with Docker
- deploy Deis on AWS
- setup Papertrail and Sumo Logic to analyze the logs
I’ve also built for comparing purposes a log analytics platform using Logstash, Kafka, Elasticsearch and Kibana on AWS (after comparing we decided to use Papertrail and Sumo Logic).

Building production ready React/Redux applications

Back in August 2014, Pedro (Impero’s CTO) and I decided to start using React for building our front-end applications. We initially started using React with FLUX, and finally changing to REDUX after few days testing. I wrote a post related to this subject titled “React, Redux — Predictable state JavaScript apps at Impero” on Impero’s Engineering blog. Feel free to check this out!

What’s next?

Before joining Pikichat, I’m going to travel in East Asia. I’m starting from Japan. I’m going to catch a flight to Tokyo tomorrow morning.
I’ll also keep working, during my free time, on a project I’ve started 8 months ago for fun call Flip, a file transfer desktop and mobile application that lets you transfer small and large files at light speed.

Last words

Working at Impero has been awesome. I highly recommend any creative person to apply for a job there. They’re always looking for talented people. Really don’t hesitate! It’s a really great place to work.
Finally, I want to say a big thank you to Michael, Pedro, Romain, Coris, Karl, Pete, Peter, Bruno, Ellie, Fabio, Adeline, Yosh, Ann-marie, Andres, Ugo, Lindsay and everyone else in the Impero team for your friendship, support and help during two amazing years together.



Jacopo Daeli

I’m a Computer Scientist, Software Engineer and Hacker, passionate about web technologies with a vocation for writing beautiful and clean code.